Sunday Mornings
9:30am-10:20am in Student Lounge
The Gospel Project for Students
- A Three-Year Journey through Scripture: Students chronologically examine all Scripture through a Christ-centered lens.
- 99 Essential Christian Doctrines: Highlights essential doctrines of the Christian faith every student should know.
- Christ Connection: Each session shows students how all Scripture points to Christ.
- Apologetics: Students will not only understand what they believe, but why.
- Head, Heart, Hands: Helps students to see how the gospel transforms the way they think, feel, and live every day.
- Interactive Questions: Engages students to think through the session material and how it challenges them today.
- Daily Discipleship Material: Provides five days of discipleship content each week to help students cultivate a habit of personal Bible study.
Wednesday Nights
Connecting with God
Connecting with God through worship, games, fellowship, and a variety of topics; backed up by God's Word. This is our student ministries main entry point into our discipleship process. Regular comers & especially new comers are all encouraged to come for a fun filled, faith sparking night! Bible study begins at 6:00 P.M.
It's so important to have a strategy for what you will teach your students. Without a strategy, we run the risk of missing important ideas, teaching only the topics that personally interest us most, and ultimately failing to give our students a full and holistic view of God.
Current Wednesday Night Series
SERIES OVERVIEW: Genesis is the beginning of God’s redemptive story and sets the scene for the remainder of the Bible. The first eleven chapters focus on creation and God's character. The remaining chapters tell of God’s faithfulness to pursue His plan of redemption through mankind, although the relationship between God and humanity is broken. Readers of Genesis can see how God continually invites humanity to trust in His story and trust in Him. Throughout this study, students will be encouraged to ask the “tough questions” about scripture and seek answers by linking the events of Genesis to other Biblical texts and searching for clues within the historical context of the original audience.
Connecting with Others
We encourage students to share their faith and struggles with their peers. The Christian walk is not meant to be completed in isolation. This can be done through invitation to weekly services, events, or even individual Bible or book studies at school. Contact Joshua to get started!
Camps and Missions
Student Camp:
This is the third stop in our discipleship process, where we try to leverage different events and a missional lifestyle toward connecting others with God. This year, we will go to Palacious, Texas, to attend "One Camp 360." The mission of "One Camp" is to "Prepare students for the 360 days they are not at Camp." This is accomplished through five days of intensive Bible Study, fellowship, and fun. It's a week focused on congregational and small group Bible study, engaging worship, and activities built around connecting with God. God's Word remains center stage, and the good news of Jesus is clearly presented.
Matthew 28:16-20 isn't a call for vocational missionaries. It is a call to all followers of Christ to make disciples "as they go." Carrying out the Mission of Christ is to share the Gospel wherever God has placed us during this season of life. At work, at school, on the sports field, or on vacation, every Christian is called to share the good news of our Lord and Savior.
We LOVE being the hands and feet of Jesus!
We have several community mission projects during the year, summer mission activities are available for all our students, and we take domestic and international trips to do the work Jesus has called us to do and put our faith into action.
This is the third stop in our discipleship process, where we try to leverage different events and a missional lifestyle toward connecting others with God. This year, we will go to Palacious, Texas, to attend "One Camp 360." The mission of "One Camp" is to "Prepare students for the 360 days they are not at Camp." This is accomplished through five days of intensive Bible Study, fellowship, and fun. It's a week focused on congregational and small group Bible study, engaging worship, and activities built around connecting with God. God's Word remains center stage, and the good news of Jesus is clearly presented.
Matthew 28:16-20 isn't a call for vocational missionaries. It is a call to all followers of Christ to make disciples "as they go." Carrying out the Mission of Christ is to share the Gospel wherever God has placed us during this season of life. At work, at school, on the sports field, or on vacation, every Christian is called to share the good news of our Lord and Savior.
We LOVE being the hands and feet of Jesus!
We have several community mission projects during the year, summer mission activities are available for all our students, and we take domestic and international trips to do the work Jesus has called us to do and put our faith into action.
Meet the team.
Joshua Ward
Interim Student Pastor
Joshua is a retired Abilene Police Officer who has dedicated his life to serving Students. His focus is building a Biblical and spiritual foundation which students will stand firm upon for the rest of their lives. Joshua completed his Master's in Theology from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2019 and also serves as a Criminal Justice Instructor for Hardin-Simmons University. Joshua married the love of his life in 2009, and they have two children, Katheryn and Zachariah. Joshua and Ashley have fostered five additional children over the years. He also likes gummy bears.
Tiffany Deems
The Cowgirl
Tiffany has been attending FBC Buffalo Gap since February 2020. She has been volunteering with the worship team and with middle and high school students. She loves kids and animals, but most of all, she loves Jesus!
Johnny Parker
The Worship Guy
He loves big foot, the Cowboys, singing to Jesus and leading the students in song, and you wouldn't catch him dead with skinny jeans on, because he's a man.