Mid-Week Manna

The Power of Being Different: Embracing Our Calling as Christians

In a world that often encourages conformity, there's a profound power in being different. This isn't about standing out for the sake of attention, but about living a life that reflects a deeper truth and purpose. As Christians, we're called to be set apart - not to blend in with the culture around us, but to shine as beacons of hope and transformation.

The early church provides a striking example of this principle in action. On the day of Pentecost, a remarkable event unfolded in Jerusalem. The disciples, filled with the Holy Spirit, began speaking in languages they had never learned. The sound of their voices, described as a "mighty rushing wind," drew crowds of curious onlookers. Some were amazed, asking, "What does this mean?" Others mocked, accusing the disciples of being drunk.

In this moment of confusion and skepticism, Peter stood up to address the crowd. His response offers us a powerful model for how to explain our faith and experiences to a watching world.

First, Peter explained their experience. He didn't shy away from the unusual nature of what was happening. Instead, he grounded it in Scripture, quoting the prophet Joel:

"In the last days, God says,
I will pour out my Spirit on all people.
Your sons and daughters will prophesy,
your young men will see visions,
your old men will dream dreams."

Peter showed that what seemed strange to the onlookers was actually the fulfillment of God's promises. This teaches us an important lesson: when our lives look different because of our faith, we should be ready to explain why. Not with vague feelings or personal opinions, but with the solid foundation of God's Word.

In our current cultural climate, it's not enough to say, "This is my truth." We need to be able to point to the unchanging truths of Scripture and show how God's promises are being fulfilled in our lives and in the world around us.

After explaining their experience, Peter quickly moved to explaining Christ. This is crucial. Our experiences, no matter how powerful, are not the end goal. They should always point people to Jesus.

Peter walked his listeners through the key elements of the gospel:

1. The Incarnation: He reminded them of Jesus of Nazareth, a real man from a real place, who performed miracles and wonders among them.

2. The Crucifixion: With boldness, Peter declared, "This Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men." He didn't shy away from the harsh reality of human sin and its consequences.

3. The Resurrection: Death could not hold Jesus. God raised him up, fulfilling the prophecies spoken long ago.

4. The Ascension and the Coming of the Spirit: Jesus, now seated at the right hand of the Father, had poured out the Holy Spirit, resulting in the very events they were witnessing.

This pattern of explanation offers us a roadmap for sharing our faith. We start with the reality of Jesus' life, confront the seriousness of sin, proclaim the power of the resurrection, and point to the ongoing work of the Holy Spirit in the world today.

Peter's sermon reminds us of a challenging truth: the world doesn't hate Christians because we're different. Often, the world is frustrated with the church because we're trying too hard not to be different. We're called to be set apart, but too often we're striving to fit in, to be accepted, to be liked.

This raises an important question for self-reflection: Is there a noticeable difference in how we live our lives compared to those around us who don't follow Christ? Are we truly set apart, or are we blending in with the crowd?

The call to be different isn't about being weird for the sake of it. It's about living in such a way that people notice and ask, "What does this mean?" It's about having lives so transformed by the power of the Gospel that others can't help but take notice.

This doesn't mean we'll always get it right. Even Peter, who preached this powerful sermon, had moments of great faith and moments of failure. Just 50 days before this event, he had denied knowing Jesus three times. Yet God, in His faithfulness, restored and used Peter in a mighty way.

This serves as a powerful reminder: when we are not faithful, God remains faithful. Our failures don't disqualify us from being used by God. His grace is always greater than our shortcomings.

As we reflect on these truths, we're challenged to consider:
1. Are we living lives that are noticeably different because of our faith in Christ?
2. Are we ready to explain our experiences and our faith using the solid foundation of Scripture?
3. Do we quickly point people to Jesus in our conversations and interactions?
4. Are we relying on God's faithfulness rather than our own strength?

The world doesn't need more Christians trying to blend in. It needs believers who are willing to stand out - not in arrogance or judgment, but in love, compassion, and unwavering faith. It needs people filled with the Holy Spirit, ready to explain the hope that is within them.

Let's embrace our calling to be different. Let's allow the transforming power of the Gospel to so radically change our lives that people can't help but notice. And when they ask, "What does this mean?" may we be ready, like Peter, to point them to the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ.

In a world searching for authenticity and purpose, our greatest witness may be our willingness to be set apart, to be different for the sake of the Gospel. May we have the courage to live this out, trusting in God's faithfulness every step of the way.

This encouragement prepared for you by the Staff of FBC Buffalo Gap and our ministry partner, Subsplash.